Saturday, June 26, 2021

Online learning (1-3)

 Strategy 1:Lesson adapted

Prepare a  lesson 15 minutes before for online class. Depending upon you that if you follow the lines  given below:

1) Your Subject knowledge

2)Your mood at day time

3)Your Student's mood at that time

1) Your Subject knowledge:

Lesson preparation is always important no matter how well & experienced you are if you have to reinforce the lesson  then you have to put some new jargons to make it more interesting.

2)Your mood at day time:

May be its due to the reason that you have health issues or you just have finished your previous  lesson  that was lengthy. Being a teacher you have to cope  well with yourself. Be prepared for  this, you have to  intelligently deal with these issues.

3)Your Student mood at that time

Your mood is good & your student mood is not good may be for  the timings prescribed by your school or that may be for the reason that they did not eat  well in the morning. You have to cater them well otherwise it would be cumbersome to learn online.

Strategy 2:Technology adapted:

If you are using microsoft team , google classroom , edmodo or any online community or classroom  manegment tool you have to be really technology  aware. You have to be quick to learn that. Otherwise you will be considered  absurd  for  your students. You have to keep that in mind that Student know technology more than you. So don't try to give them lo-pools.

Strategy 3:Social well-being:

It suggests that by the end of a lesson how good you communicated with your pupil.

  • Did they grasp what you intended them to learn.
  • Was harmony brought by both end .
  • Are they eager to learn next day with same zeal.

1 comment:

  1. It's a great and capable blog post.
